Dental Crowns

In the event of more severe tooth injuries and large decay, dental crowns are a fantastic option to restore your teeth. Once fitted, a dental crown looks and feels just like an ordinary tooth.

What are the benefits?

Custom-made to match your teeth

Feels and functions as a normal tooth

Permanent and relatively low-maintenance

Strong and durable

Can be used to improve crooked or unsightly teeth in some cases

What should I expect?

The procedure for fitting a dental crown typically takes two visits. At the first appointment, your tooth will be prepared for the crown. At the second appointment, the crown will be fitted.


  1. Under a local anaesthetic if needed, your existing decayed/ damaged tooth will be reduced to create space for the crown to fit over
  2. An impression will be taken of your teeth so that the new crown fits accurately and can be precisely matched to your other teeth.
  3. A temporary crown will be fitted to protect the underlying tooth and so you can retain function in the 2-week interim period.
  4. At your second appointment, the temporary crown will be removed, and your new permanent crown will be securely bonded.

The procedure for fitting a dental crown typically takes two visits. At the first appointment, your tooth will be prepared for the crown. At the second appointment, the crown will be fitted.

Broken old amalgam mercury filling replaced with stronger ceramic Onlay restoration to restore appearance and strength

Cosmetic tooth colored ceramic onlay

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